Friday, July 15, 2011

Basic Foundation - Posing Week 1

From this day on-wards , I have decided that i will start working in a structured way . No more wasting time and no more wondering what to be done . This is it . Its now or never . The most basic foundation of learning animation , 0r we can call the building blocks is Sketching , Posing and Bouncing Balls. Everyone does so. And i am no exception. I will also start with the same thing. Firstly i want to look into Posing characters into Maya. I need to sketch a few of them and then try to pose them in Maya. Hope fully i will start posting them soon.

Friday, March 25, 2011


This are few of the posing that i did.
Hope to get some crits on this.

A New Day

A New morning and a new start. Hopefully would get a lot out of this day. Will work on walks today. Did some vanilla walks without any personality just to get the basic mechanism of the walks going and now its time to add some personality to my Walks. Having some ideas in mind let see what I end up with.



Hii Everyone.

Well I am Sudipto. Doing my graduation but I am really interested in Learning Animation and thats why I am creating this blog to keep track of my learning stages and to get comments and critics from people all over. Gathering all the information that i could get from online and also downloading tutorials which will help me to learn the art of animation. I know its a long journey and i am even not sure when i will enter this animation industry as an animator but what the heck , need to learn and learn as much as i can.